Lately, you may have noticed that your gums have become swollen and sore, prompting you to make an appointment with a periodontist. If so, you can take care of your swollen gums and find some relief from your symptoms by using the following tips while waiting for your appointment.
Brush Your Teeth with Baking Soda Paste
Although you may find it uncomfortable to do so when your gums are swollen, you still need to brush your teeth and gums to remove food and keep bacteria from causing an infection.
Having straighter teeth and an improved bite can help you feel more confident with yourself and can help decrease your risks of oral problems, but should you choose traditional braces for this or Invisalign? Both are excellent choices that will help you achieve your goals, and here are some of the differences between these two options.
The looks
The first difference, and probably the most commonly noted difference, is the way each option looks.
While most people think of cosmetic dentistry as procedures and/or treatments that are done strictly to improve a person's smile, this is not necessarily true. Sure, having your teeth whitened may not do anything to improve or maintain your overall health, but here is some information about how other cosmetic procedures are not just about appearance.
You may not realize just how detrimental crooked teeth can be to your health. However, when teeth are crooked and overcrowded they make brushing and flossing properly difficult.
Keeping your own dental health in good shape can be tough for some people. Between busy schedules and poor diet habits, just accomplishing this much can be a challenge. However, if you're trying to keep your whole family's teeth and gums healthy, it gets even more complicated. Here are three tips you can easily integrate into your family life that will help to protect everyone's oral health.
Cut Sugar
You've probably heard this before, but sugar is a massive culprit when it comes to tooth decay and gum disease.
Thanks to advancements in dentistry, there are many procedures that can give you a healthier or more attractive smile. One common dental procedure is a dental crown, which covers the entire exposed portion of the tooth. While veneers can only be placed on front teeth, dental crowns can be used on front and back teeth. Check out these four reasons you may need a dental crown.
The Tooth Is Weak From Decay