How To Help Your Child Prepare For Braces

If your child needs braces, and if you are planning on getting them soon, there are some ways you can help your child prepare for this event. In fact, here are four good steps you should take.

Get a Couple Opinions

Sometimes it is good to take a child to a couple of different orthodontists before choosing one for your child, and there are two main reasons for this. First, going to two or three dentists can help you determine the best plan for your child's teeth. Secondly, you want your child to feel comfortable with the orthodontist you choose and going to a few different ones can help the child choose and feel more involved with the process. This can especially be important for kids who are relatively young when they get braces.

Take Care of All Necessary Dental Work

The second thing you will need to do to prepare for this event is to make sure you complete any necessary dental work. An orthodontist will not put braces on a child if he or she has existing problems that need to be addressed. Because of this, make sure you visit a dentist weeks before the braces will be put on to make sure that all the work is complete in your child's mouth.

Treat Your Child to a Favorite Meal Beforehand

Another great idea is to take your child out for his or her favorite meal before getting braces. Once the orthodontist puts the braces on his or her teeth, your child will have limits with what he or she can eat. In addition, it will be difficult for your child to eat the first few days after getting braces. If you take your child out for a fun day and a favorite meal, it might help him or her feel more prepared for the big day.

Stock Up on Some Good Foods for Braces

The other thing you should do before your child gets braces is stock up on good foods for him or her to eat afterward. Remember, your child's teeth will be sore after getting braces. This soreness may last for several days and it will prevent your child from eating regularly. Some good foods you should consider getting include yogurt, jello, pudding, ice-cream, soup, applesauce, and macaroni and cheese. Make sure you have plenty of soft foods like this in your home for your child to eat afterward.

As you and your child prepare for braces, it is important to take your time and do everything you can to help your child be ready for this day. If you would like to meet with a kids' orthodontist, contact a clinic of your choice today.
